Addison Clarke Leonard
- Born: 14 Mar 1819, Truxton, Cortland, New York, USA
- Marriage: Sarah A. WEBSTER on 25 Jul 1840 in Truxton, Cortland, New York, USA
- Died: 7 Aug 1890, Kinsley, Edwards, Kansas, USA at age 71
- Buried: Kinsley, Edwards, Kansas, USA
General Notes:
Addison's oldest son, Henry Hiram Leonard, enlisted in the same unit on the same day and fought through out the war. A younger son, Alonzo Leonard, later enlisted in Company K, 64th Regiment Illinois and died during Sherman's March to the Sea at the age of 15.
Name: Addison C Leonard , Residence: Yorktown, Illinois Enlistment Date: 12 August 1862 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Illinois Unit Numbers: 288 288 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 12 August 1862 Enlisted in Company A, 112th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 20 September 1862. Received a disability discharge Company A, 112th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 18 April 1864 He also became enrolled in the VRC which stands for the Veteran Reserve Corps.
This is a transcription of photo copies of original document which is very difficult to read. The document is hand written in cursive. As a result there may be some minor errors. RAH
War Department Adjutant General' Offic Washington, Dec 24, 1888
Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions. Addison C. Leonard, a Pvt of Company A “112” Regiment Ill Volunteers, was enrolled on the 12 day of Aug, 1862, at Anaioan 3 year, and is reported on muster roll of Co from enrollment to Oct. 31, 62. Present is reported to April 30, 63 May & June 63 absent missing from Detachment in Tennessee - July & Aug 63 absent, Paroled Prisoner, Co. was on a raid into East Tennessee from June 10 to 26, 63 and was engaged in several skirmishes during said time - Sept & Oct 63 absent Paroled Prisoner - Prisoner of War Records show him captured at Cumberland Mtn. Tennessee June 23/63 sent from Knoxville Tenn to Rich. Va July 5/63, where he arrived July 8/63 paroled at City Point Va. July 14/63, reported at Camp Parole Md. July 18/63, and was sent to Benton Bks. Mo. July 19/63, where he reported July 23/63, on roll dated July 31/63, he is reported on furlough, date or time for which furlough given, not shown, on roll dated Aug 31/63, he is reported Absent Without Leave since Aug 24/63 no later records. He was transferred to VRC (Veteran Reserve Corps) (D “17”) Oct 27 63 at Alexander Barracks Mo. Cause not stated and is reported present to Feb 29, 1864. Transferred to Co “K” 17th Reg't 2d Battalion V.R.C. (Sub the 94th Co. same Battalion), and is reported April 30 1864, discharged on Certificate of Disability at Indianapolis, Ind. Records at Benton Bks. St. Louis, Mo. Show him furloughed Jul 27/63 for 15 days, No additional information.
R.C. Drum Adjutant General
This is a transcription of photo copies of the original document which is very difficult to read which may result in some minor error. Portions of the documents are hand written in cursive. RAH
DECLARATION FOR INVALID PENSION STATE OF Wisconsin Kenosha County On this twenty eighth day of May A.D.1864 personally appeared before me, a clerk of the cir. Cnty court of the county court. In and for the County and State above named, and by Law duly authorized to administer oaths for general purposes, Addison C. Leonard who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is aged forty six years, and is a resident of Bristol Kenosha County, in the State of Wisconsin and he is the identical Addison C. Leonard who enlisted in the service of the United States at Anaioan Henry Co. Ill. on or about the twelfth day of August in the year of 1862, as a private in Company “A” commanded by Captain Tristum T. Dow in the 112th Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Henderson in the war of 1861, and that he has not in any way been engaged in, or aided or abetted the rebellion in the United States, and was honorably discharged at Indianapolis Ind on the twenty eighth day of April A.D. 1864. That while in the service aforesaid, and in the line of his duty at lovington in the State of Kentucky on or about the First day of November A. D. 1862 he received the A Severe Cold, Caused by getting wet at Peoria Ill, & then riding in leaky cars to Covington Kentucky, & then laying out on wet ground and then being taken on a forced march to Lexington Ky. Which cold & severe service resulted in chronic rheumatism, that soon after arriving at Lexington was sent to the hospital & remained 2 month, got better & went on duty again though very feeble remained till Oct 1863, then taken down again with the rheumatism, & the heart disease, which disabled me for duty which disease continued to grow worse until the 28th of April 1864 when I was discharged “for total disability” that he is suffering severely from both said diseases is unable to walk but a short distance at one time and cannot labor except at very light work . That since leaving said service this applicant has resided at Bristol Kenosha Co. Wis. And his occupation has been assisting farming what he could do. He makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the Invalid Pension Roll of the United States by reason of the disability above stated; and hereby constitutes and appoints Jon B. Jilsun his attorney to prosecute this claim, procure a Pension Certificate, and semi-annually to receive and receipt for his Pension from the Pension Agent.
Signature of Addison C. Leonard applicant
Noted events in his life were:
• Military Service: Civil War Veteran.
Addison married Sarah A. WEBSTER on 25 Jul 1840 in Truxton, Cortland, New York, USA. (Sarah A. WEBSTER was born on 18 Aug 1824 in , , Vermont, USA, died on 3 Dec 1890 in Kinsley, Edwards, Kansas, USA and was buried in Kinsley, Edwards, Kansas, USA.)