Joachim HAPS
(1611-Abt 1653) |
Joachim HAPS 13
From the census and church book data it can be seen that Joachim Haps and his wife Elsbeth Hoffman had six children but that Hans, the younger Elsbeth, and Waelti had died prior to the enumeration of 1649. Records of the hospital in Winterthur indicated that Joachim Haps paid rent on his home to the hospital administrators beginning in 1643 until 1653, when he apparently died. About 1657, his wife Elsbeth received permission to emigrate to the Palatinate with her three surviving children to a parish founded by Clemens Hirtzel. What became of Elsbeth Hoffman Haps and her oldest daughter Elsbeth remains a mystery. (See Harry’s Most Wanted List at Hoppesgenerations). The new lives of her son Ulrich and daughter Salome, however, are vividly documented in the church book of the Lutheran Congregation, Brombach located in the heart of the Odenwald northeast of Heidelberg, Germany. ![]() Joachim married Elisabeth HOFFMAN about 1639 in Toess, , Switzerland. (Elisabeth HOFFMAN was born in 1611 in Seen, , Switzerland.) |
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