Hi, you have reached the genealogy page for the family of Ronald Hoppes.
Below is a list of names that are included in my data base. Each Link will take you to a Descendant Narrative.
If you have questions or comments please
Surname List
Name Index
Ron Hoppes Pedigree
Peter Haps 1580-1611 (name evolved to Happes then Hoppes)
John Clarke 1610-1673
John Swain 1700-After 1720
Job Strong Leonard 1724-1823 (Revolutionary War Veteran)
James Clarke Jr.1747-After 1788 (Revolutionary War Veteran)
George Happes 1715-1800 (German Immigrant 1751)
George Heinrich Happes 1747-1812 (German Immigrant & Revolutionary War Veteran)
Addison Leonard 1782-1861 (War of 1812 Veteran)
Addison Clarke Leonard 1819-1890 (Civil War Veteran)
George S Shaw 1830-1895 (English Immigrant 1832 & Civil War Veteran)
Henry Hoppes 1799-After 1870 (Pioneer)
Ephriam Hurl Hoppes 1845-1916 (Civil War Veteran)
Joel Hoppes 1826-1863 (Killed Fighting Indians)
Joseph B. Swain 1836-1868 (Redleg Irregular & Civil War Veteran)
Jacob Swain 1838-1910 (Civil War Veteran)
W.I. Swain 1865-1945 (Famous early 20th Century Showman)
Swin Swenson 1778-1885 (Swedish Immigrant 1877)